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AMAHOF unites and gives recognition to influential martial artists throughout Australasia who develop high ethical and technical abilities within the broader martial arts and associated Industry.
- To recognise and reward the outstanding service of martial artists of all styles in the pursuit of excellence in the way of Budo
- To encourage, promote, develop, extend and supervise martial arts throughout Australasia
- To co-ordinate and generally direct the activities of the Association
- To liaise and advise Government bodies on issues relating to the development of martial arts in Australasia
Encourage and foster:
- High ethical standards in business, professions and sport
- The application of Budo by each member to his personal, business and community life
- The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business professional and sporting persons united in the pursuit of excellence in the way of Budo
- Excellence in teaching all forms of martial arts in Australasia
- Regular and effective exchanges between Association, and other affiliated organisations throughout the world
- A Sokeship Council responsible for the investigation, ratification and recommendation of awards for promotion of members, or applicants to AMAHOF, in accordance with the Bylaws
Australasian Martial Arts Hall of Fame Inc. was founded in 1996 by the late Professor Brian Gallon (1952 – 2001) in conjunction with Master Frank Tasetano (President of the World Karate Union Hall of Fame).
We do not compete with any other Hall of Fame or similar organisations.
AMAHOF is a not-for-profit association incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 2015.