Inducted into the A.M.A.H.O.F. (Inc) and W.K.U.H.O.F. for 2023

Continual Excellence and Service to the Australasian Martial Arts Community


Kyoshi Chris Bailey started training in 1976 under the late Kancho Barry Bradshaw. He has trained without a break under Kancho Bradshaw until Kancho’s death, then under Kaicho Adam until 2018 when Kaicho Adam handed over responsibility for the day to day running, administration and management of the Federation to Kyoshi Chris. After the success of the transition, Kaicho Adam bestowed grading authority and technical directorship of the martial arts to Kyoshi Chris as President of the Executive. After the death of Kaicho Adam the Executive amended the constitution to invest the Grading Authority/Syllabus in Kyoshi Chris as the Chairman Board of Master Instructors and the administration of the Federation to the Executive.

Kyoshi Chris has worked hard to support Kancho Bradshaw and Kaicho Adam in all their endeavours and to continue the success of the Federation on their passing.

Positions Held and Achievements:

Kyoshi Chris has been the principal instructor at Federations clubs Bushi Ryu, Buk Tu Mua Guan, Igen Chikara Ryu and Ageru Tatsu Do Ryu as well as Assistant Instructor at others. He has won (and lost) a number of the Federation’s Judo, JiuJitsu and Kata competitions. Kyoshi has attended and run sessions/demonstrations at AMAHOF from the first one in 1996 as well as other seminars by Australian and international martial artists.

Kyoshi Chris has led a growth period in the Federation’s history, doubling our membership, increasing our income, increasing the number of academies and black belt instructors, as well as improving our governance and documentation, updating our syllabus and marketing, and increasing the financial support to our clubs.

Federations Grades:

7th Dan Kyoshi                     Judo
6th Roku Dan                       JiuJitsu
Master Level 6                      Silum Hung Kuen – Chinese Boxing