Inducted into the A.M.A.H.O.F. (Inc) for 2022
Continual Excellence and Service to the Australasian Martial Arts Community
Inducted into W.K.U.H.O.F.
Continual Excellence and Service to the Australasian Martial Arts Community
Hanshi Wayne Spear has been involved in Martial Arts for over 40 years. He first attained his Black Belt in Freestyle Kara-te in 1982. He now is a 8th degree Black Belt in Zen Do Kai Freestyle Kara- te and BJC Muay Thai. He also has a Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu [ BJJ].
Hanshi Wayne has travelled extensively to seek out the most practical and devastating techniques. He is also a strength and conditioning coach and incorporates all encompassing in his teaching and training.
Hanshi Wayne lives the literal translation of Zen Do Kai by training in and exploring the best of everything. He has trained in the reality systems Systema [Russia] and Kapap [Israeli] to enhance his Kara-te. He trains in Thailand most years to enhance his Muay Thai and has traveled Europe and the United States training with the best practitioners of martial arts. Some of Wayne’s training partners include Alex Kostic, Randy Coutour, Renzo Gracie as well as Australian Masters Rod Stroud and Justin Boylan.
Hanshi Wayne has a particular interest in defensive tactics techniques and combat sport conditioning and conducts specialist courses to individuals and organisations.
His students hold WA state titles in tournament sparring, kata and weapons. He has trained State Title holders in Full Contact Thai Boxing and MMA.
His teaching philosophy is: Fear none, respect all.
Wayne’s other interests include:
- Surflifesaving – 5 time State representative, 12 State titles
- Weightlifting and Powerlifting
- Sports Conditioning
- World Firefighter Games, represented Australia in Las Vegas 1992
Wayne also helps the community in his Job as a Fire and Rescue Officer and was a first responder to the devastating Earthquake in Christchurch NZ in 2011. He was awarded a Humanitarian Service Award from the Australian and NZ Federal Authorities.
Wayne was acknowledged for his community work by the Shaolin Temple Kung Fu and awarded an Honorary Black Sash in 2019.
- 8th Degree Black Belt Master – Zen Do Kai , Australia
- Level 8 Muay Thai Kickboxing Trainer BJMA
- International Kickboxing Judge and Referee – World Kickboxing Association
- Accredited Gym Instructor – ACHPER
- Level 1 & 2 Coach – Australian Coaching Council
- ACPHER Accredited Fitness Leader
- Certificate 4 Workplace Trainer and Assessor – TAE40116
- Level 1 Strength and Conditioning Coach – ASCA
- Defensive Tactics Instructor- PPCT, USA
- Level 1 KAPAP Instructor – Israeli Martial Art, VIC
- Cert 4 Operational Safety – Defensive Tactics ,QLD
- Cert 2 Security Operations
- ASP Baton Instructor
- ASP Handcuff Instructor
Wayne teaches out of Spear Dojo in Wangara WA which has a range of classes including Zen Do Kai Kara-te, BJC Muay Thai, Mixed Martial Arts, Close Quarter Combat, Kids Karate and BJJ. The Dojo has weights and cardio facilities and caters for children and adults wishing to learn Martial Arts.