Inducted into the A.M.A.H.O.F. (Inc) for 2018
Lifetime achievement – Judo Ju Jitsu
Inducted into the W.K.U.H.O.F. for 2018
Lifetime achievement – Judo Ju Jitsu
I began learning Judo and Ju Jutsu in1956. After graduating to Shodan in 1962 I began honorary teaching in Engadine NSW. In 1964 I graduated to Shodan in Judo from the Kodokan Judo Institute in Japan. In 1965 I began professionally teaching the martial arts with my highest ranking student, the late Mrs Betty Huxley at state and private high schools plus at Sydney University. As we progressed we expanded to RSL youth clubs and the YMCA ad YWCA venues as well.
As our membership increased we made many group tours for the purpose of training at the Kodokan Judo Institute in Tokyo and Sosuishi-ryu Ju jutsu organization in Fukuoka. Whilst on these tours we gave martial arts exhibitions at the Nippon Seibukan Academy in Kyoto which is the Headquarters of the All Japan Budo Federation.
Many of our Black Belt students who graduated from the Kodokan Judo Institute began teaching until we eventually had six Lotus Dojo clubs apart from all our other teaching assignments. As the years passed by and after many group tours these instructors and myself graduated to higher ranks.
Our Sydney University club won the Australian Intervarsity Judo Championships in Tasmania in 1969 and again in 1970 in Adelaide. In 1970 we inaugurated the Australian Women’s Judo Federation and the Australian Women’s Black Belt Federation (Yudanshakai) which was the first Women’s Yudanshakai in the world.
I have written ten books on the martial arts; Judo a Pictorial Manual. The first edition was published by Kangaroo press in Sydney and the second edition was published by Charles E Tuttle in Japan. Judo Basics was published by Kodansha in Japan and an edition was done in Spanish by Kodansha. Sekiryukan Karate, The Principles of Karate, the Principles of Ju jutsu, Iai Jutsu, Bo Jutsu, Fighting Back and Self Defence were all published by myself. Bow from the Heart which was a biography of the late Keiko Fukuda 10th Dan was published by Shelly Fernandez of San Francisco USA.
We celebrated our 50th Anniversary on 12th July, 2015. The membership is approaching 3000 past and present many of whom have graduated to black belt or higher as our honour rolls have recorded.
My career of over fifty five years of teaching martial arts has been extremely rewarding as I have witnessed so many students striving for perfection.