brenda-hum_2704Inducted into the A.M.A.H.O.F.(Inc) for 2016
Support to the Martial Arts – Health & Healing

Inducted into the W.K.U.H.O.F. for 2016
Support to the Martial Arts – Health & Healing

Brenda holds a Diploma of Teaching, Bachelor of Education and has taught Tai Chi for over 35 years.

Brenda first discovered Tai Chi in 1978 with the Chinese Association of South Australia her teacher was Kung Hill. Over the years she has attended numerous workshops in the Art of Tai Chi upgrading her knowledge constantly.

Recently her main interest has focussed on the application of her art with regard to the elderly in the community and improving their health and wellbeing by keeping active and mobile in a gentle non invasive way.

In 2016 she intends to continue training with her mentor, Dr Lam to achieve her Masters degree, “Arthritis Master Qualification in Rehabilitation”.

She is currently running a Tai Chi course for Arthritis / Teacher / Instructor update at Arthritis South Australia and will also be running further Tai Chi for Arthritis and Osteoporosis workshops this year.