Inducted into the A.M.A.H.O.F.(Inc) for 2015
Lifetime Achievement – Martial Arts
Inducted into the W.K.U.H.O.F. for 2015
Lifetime Achievement – Martial Arts
Tony commenced training in 1970 in England in the style of Fudoshin Ryu Judo. He achieved his 1st Dan in 1976. In 1982 Tony brought Fudoshin to Australia opening his own Dojo in Monterey In 1989 Tony gained his 4th Dan in Fudoshin Ryu Weapons ( Weapons Master certificate), and also his 4th Dan in Fudoshin Judo.
Tony currently holds the position of “Soke” within the Fudoshin Ryu Australia. He is at present writing 3 books on Fudoshin Ryu. In addition he acts as senior advisor to many styles, students and instructors at his dojos in South Australia, Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria.
Fudoshin Ryu Masters Certificate 1996, this certificate is the highest honour and rank achievable in the Fudoshin Ryu system and was awarded to Tony by the Founder, Robert Lawrence, Judan.
- 1996 Fudoshin Ryu Masters Certificate
- 2005 Certificate 4 in Sports Coaching, Martial Arts
- 2006 7th Dan Fudoshin Ryu (AMA)
- 8th Dan awarded by International board of Black Belts
- 2012 awarded 10th Dan ( Hanshi) from Hanshi Kai Bruce Haynes.