Inducted into the A.M.A.H.O.F.(Inc) for 2007
Instructor of the Year – Hapkido

Inducted into the W.K.U.H.O.F. for 2007
Instructor of the Year – Hapkido (Australia)


Master Fari Salievski is more than just the head of KMA Black Belt Success Schools, a true leader by example and a positive role model for all that come in contact with him. He is highly regarded in the martial arts community as well as in the business community for his honesty and personal success. He currently heads Martial Arts Professionals, an organisation designed to promote excellence within the martial arts industry.

In addition Fari heads Korea Hapkido International, Korea Hapkido Australia and is also a representative for the Martial Arts Industry Association (International) and heads the National Association Of Professional Martial Artists in Australia.

Fari’s first introduction to martial arts was Judo at the age of 5. The 70’s saw the Kung Fu series and his first ever visit to the movies; “The Man From Hong Kong”. Various styles of Kung Fu were experienced but it was his meeting with Grandmaster Chang Woo Lee that would determine a whole new way of life.

Grandmaster Kun He Lee was the recognised teacher of Grandmaster Chang Woo Lee for both Taekwondo and Hapkido. There were a number of occasions where opportunities arose to receive instruction from the founder of Hapkido; Grandmaster Yong Sul Choi.

It was 1982 in Redfern Street Redfern where Fari had his first meeting with Grandmaster Chang Woo Lee. So began the serious commitment to martial arts that lead to a life long dream of becoming a professional martial artist.

Since 1982 training has been consistent, a minimum of six days per week of not only teaching time but active training becoming Australia’s only instructor to be Korean graded and certified for each and every Dan level in South Korea. (up to 5th Degree).

The title of “Master” does not come via a mail order or certificate but it is a title bestowed upon the recipient by their Grandmaster. Fari has earned his title through hard work establishing himself an international reputation of quality and integrity.

Fari has been credited with popularising Hapkido in Australia. 1993 saw Australia’s first Hapkido seminars that saw the largest gathering in it’s history. This was followed up with national advertising and articles that saw Fari as the first Hapkidoist to be featured on the cover of Australasian Taekwondo.

As a certified Master Instructor he was the only Australian to be invited to the 1st World Korean Martial Arts Championships to demonstrate his art. Highly respected throughout the world he still conducts seminars across many continents and is considered as the “teachers teacher”.

Having turned 41 he is still very active in not only teaching but more importantly maintaining his own training. Being only one of only a few in the world (the only one in Australia), to complete the “Ultimate Black Belt Test” is something truly to be very proud of (May 2005). His test was conducted at the headquarters for Master Ernie Reyes’s World West Coast Martial Arts Association.”

As a testament to his commitment to the arts, students have achieved mastery levels as high as 5th degree under his instruction.

Credentials include ;
•   College Certification-Advanced Marketing

•   Master Security License Holder for over 10 years

•   Certificate 2 in Security Operations

•   Senior 1st Aid Certificate

•   National Coach-NCAS Level 1

•   Certificate IV in Assessment & Workplace Training (BSZ40198)

•   Certificate IV in Sports Coaching (SRS40203) Sports Specialisation: Martial Arts

•   Certificate IV in Fitness SRF40201 (Personal Trainer)

•   Lean & Fit Program Instructor

•   CDT Master

•    Personal Safety Expert

•    Ultimate Black Belt Test Graduate (1 of only 30 in the world) (2005) 6th Degree

•    Master Instructor Korea Hapkido International 6th Degree (2005)

•    BJJ (Will/Machado) Instructor ; Blue Belt (2006)

•    World Taekwondo Federation certified & graded 5th Degree (2003)

•    Modern Arnis (Remy Presas System) Black Belt tested by Mr Nick Nicholas (1993)

•           Kyusho Jitsu Certified Black Belt (2006)