Inducted into the W.K.U.H.O.F. for 1997


Sensei Ladan was born in Tehran, Iran in 1938. His martial arts career commenced late in life, in fact after the birth of his sons, although he did attend karate classes a few times when he was a young lad in Iran. In 1979 Sensei Ladan examination for his black belt Ilk karate with a diploma.

He was very successful on the tournament scene whilst in Iran, ob­taining various 1st places throughout these years. From there Sensei Ladan moved to Germany in 1981 and continued his much loved karate training.

In Germany he became a member of the Deutsche Karate Union in 1986 and in 1994 all martial arts associations in Germany came under the one federation, known as D.K.V. Sensei Ladan’s style of karate is Shotokan and his master is Shihan Ochi who has, in recent years, established a branch of the world renowned Japan Karate Association, to which Sensei Ladan is a member of.

Karate has continued to be Sensei Ladan’s passion over the years. He has established four dojos in Germany and continues to personally teach Shotokan karate to both children and adults. In Germany his teaching certificates include two diplomas from Japan, an “A” license for general sport and an “F” license to teach karate. His current rank is 3rd Dan Shotokan and 3rd Dan Seibukan Karate.

 Inducted into the W.K.U.H.O.F. for 1997


Sponsor –  Chris Ehrmann